Self Chain Token Airdrop $SELF Detail Guide

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Written By Amdol khan

All about verified crypto airdrops and giveaways for free! But do your research and never share private keys. Happy learning and earning!

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With distributed mathematical shares in place of traditional private keys, Self Chain is a blockchain that is intended to safely store encrypted backups and a master decryption key, thereby enhancing the security and usability of cryptocurrency wallets.

On February 29, 2024, they recently started its incentive testnet, which will expire on March 15, 2024. Thus, in order to be eligible for any future airdrop, you must act quickly to do the objectives!

Read More: What are Crypto Airdrops?

What is a Self Chain?

Using MPC-TSS/AA to power its keyless wallet infrastructure service for multi-chain Web3 access, Self Chain is the first modular, intent-centric Layer 1 blockchain. Its primary characteristics are as follows:

Modular Design:

Blockchain solutions may be made flexible and customized because of Self Chain’s modular, intent-centric design.

Access Layer 1 Blockchain:

Providing essential infrastructure for multi-chain WEB3 access, it functions as a basic blockchain layer.

Keyless Wallet Service:

To improve security and customer convenience, the infrastructure features a keyless wallet service.

MPC-TSS/AA Technology:

For safe and decentralized operations, it makes use of the Multi-Party Computation Threshold Signature Scheme/Algorithmic Autonomy (MPC-TSS/AA).

What is the Self Chain Token $SELF?

The native token of Self Chain is $SELF token, can be utilized for the following purposes:

Transaction Submission:

Transactions for the creation, modification, and transfer of digital assets or for interacting with apps are submitted by users and dApps using $SELF tokens.

Staking & Governance:

Holders of $SELF tokens are able to take part in the governance and proof-of-stake processes of Self Chain and stake their tokens to validators..

Validator Incentives:

The proof-of-stake system, which rewards truthfulness, serves as an incentive for validators, who monitor transaction processing.

Network Fees:

To reward users and guard against spam and attacks, network operations charge gas taxes, which are paid in $SELF tokens.

Grants and incentives are used to fund ecosystem projects with 19% of Self Chain’s total token supply, according to its tokenomics. For supporters, this could mean an airdrop of tokens.

How to Get the Self Chain Token Airdrop ($SELF)

Time needed: 10 minutes

Here’s how to receive the possible Self Chain ($SELF) token airdrop.

Connect to Self Chain testnet

Go to the website and connect your Leap or Keplr wallet to the Self Chain incentive testnet. Click “Connect to Self Chain devnet” after clicking “Complete the quest.” In order to get your testnet $SELF tokens, simply follow the remaining instructions in the lower right corner.

Claim testnet $SELF tokens

Click “Connect to Self Chain devnet” after clicking “Complete the quest.” In order to get your testnet $SELF tokens, simply follow the remaining instructions in the lower right corner. Note that testnet $SELF tokens can only be claimed once.

Stake $SELF token

In the lower right corner, click “start.” After that, a different page with a list of validators will be displayed to you. Link the page to your Leap or Keplr wallet. We advise you to invest in one bonded and one unbonded validator, and to specifically select those that provide APR. Click “Delegate” after choosing the validator and swiping down to choose how many $SELF tokens to stake. For verification of the transaction, check your wallet.

Follow Self Chain on social media

Following Self Chain on Twitter and Discord will then be required of you. To accomplish this, go as directed, and after you’ve finished, confirm.

Claim rewards

You will be requested to claim your 100 $SUPR reward once you have completed the task. It will also be necessary for you to mint the Uni Zorb NFT. Be aware that the transaction will involve gas charges and that it will take place on the Arbitrum network.

Follow Self Chain on social media

To make sure you’re within the airdrop timeframe, check the testnet start date. Check for the eligibility requirements established by the validators. Verify that you have sufficient money in an active wallet to be eligible. Take part in the Self Chain testnet’s staking task. Assign your tokens to a validator after confirming the amount you are staking. Look through the testnet platform for any new missions or activities. Remain informed about announcements regarding airdrop distribution. Finish any tasks related to social media in order to earn possible bonuses. To ensure a successful airdrop, keep an eye on your wallet balance and transaction history. Remember that in order to be eligible for the Self Chain token airdrop, you must participate carefully and follow the requirements.

Complete Galxe tasks

Visit the website to connect your wallet. and finish the tasks related to socials.

Complete Guild tasks

Visit and connect your wallet. Finish all of the tasks and join the guild.

Final Outcome About Self Chain Token Airdrop $SELF

Eligibility to obtain the native $SELF token through an airdrop is based upon participation in Self Chain’s incentive-driven testnet. You can improve your chances of being eligible for rewards by connecting your wallet, claiming testnet tokens, staking, following on social media, and doing related tasks. To ensure a good experience, stay informed, interact with the community, and follow the rules.

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