Saga Airdrop Community Genesis Drop: Guide

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Written By Amdol khan

All about verified crypto airdrops and giveaways for free! But do your research and never share private keys. Happy learning and earning!

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By Saga, the page for airdrop claims is now active. Together with our Saga airdrop Community and Innovators, we are thrilled to welcome community members from ATOM Hub, Celestia, Polygon, and Avalanche!

You can also claim if you have participated in our tournaments, developer stress tests, won our innovator quests, or earned spaces through Zealy’s social quests. You may claim your Saga airdrop by following these easy steps, which this tutorial will help you through.

(If you participated in our Lunar New Year Tournament, an Intract or Galxe campaign, or another tournament, continue reading to learn when you can make a claim.)

Please make sure you have all of your wallet information on hand before we begin. Connecting several wallets is a need for the claim procedure.

Read More: Crypto Airdrop Farming Explained for Beginners

Step-by-Step Instructions About Saga Airdrop

Step 1:

Connect Your Destination Wallet

Your claimed airdrops will be sent to the address listed in your Keplr wallet. If you haven’t already, you must first create a Keplr wallet by clicking here.

  1. Visit the claims page for the Saga airdrop.
  2. Locate and click the “CONNECT KEPLR” button, as seen in the screenshot that has been provided.
  3. You’ll see a Keplr pop-up; click on it to connect your Keplr wallet and sign in.

Step 2: Connect Your Source Wallet Addresses

Additional source wallets from various networks that might be qualified for airdrops must be connected. Using the page’s bottom navigation, you can connect these source wallets.

  1. Add EVM Address (Ethereum, Polygon, All Saga Airdrop Game Tournaments and social campaigns minus NFTs issued through Stargaze)
  2. Select “ADD EVM ADDRESS”.
  3. Connect your Ethereum-based wallet and grant access to the airdrop claims page by following the instructions.
  4. Click the “Connect Account” button, sign the message, and link your account.
  5. Verify again that the addition of your address to the list of addresses was successful.

Add P-Chain Address (Avalanche)

Users of Avalanche must connect their P-Chain address in order to complete the process:

  1. Select “ADD P-CHAIN ADDRESS”.
  2. Pay attention to the popup instructions, which involve signing a message and pasting your P-Chain address into the proper sections along with the signed message.
  3. Verify again that the address was added successfully.


Go to Core staking and export the CSV report if you are unclear of the correct p-Chain address and would like to find it. Compare the date of staking with the column owners “O” for your P-chain.

Add Keplr Address (ATOM, Celestia, and Stargaze for Zealy NFTs distributed)

  1. You need to click the “ADD KEPLR ADDRESS” button.
  2. To link your Keplr-based wallets, click “add account” after following the instructions.
  3. Verify once more if the addition of your address to the list of addresses was successful.

Step 3: Claim Your Airdrop

You are prepared to receive your airdrop once all of your wallets are linked!

  1. On the claim page, locate the appropriate airdrop campaign.
  2. As seen in the screenshot, click the “CLAIM” button next to the airdrop you qualify for.

Step 4: Confirm Your Claim

  1. Clicking “CLAIM” will cause the button to turn green.
  2. Additionally, based on the claimed campaign, the overview of all tokens claimed will be updated.

Claim Confirmed

Well done! You should have already been successful in claiming your airdrop on Saga by following these procedures.

Keep in mind that airdrop campaigns have deadlines, so make sure to claim your rewards in time.

Heritage Collection Instructions:

Cryptopunks and Bored Apes:
Follow Step 1.
Add your 0x address to Keplr.
Then Claim!

Bad Kids:
Follow Step 1.
Then Claim!

Delegate Wallet Access:

Approximately 650 delegate wallets are included in the delegate snapshot that we have finished for qualification. An airdrop of 250 tokens will not occur if a delegate is added because of duplicate entries involving cold wallets, delegates, and non-unique delegates. As a replacement, qualified BAYC delegates will earn 0.0042 Saga tokens, and qualified Punks delegates will receive 0.69 Saga tokens. It is possible for users to add more than one delegate wallet; however, each BAYC and Punks wallet user is only allowed to receive one airdrop. It’s important for you to know that, after the conclusion of the airdrop, the 0.69 and 0.0042 tokens will each be converted to 250 tokens upon the completion of the de-duping procedure. There is no guarantee that users will receive 250 times as many duplicate tokens if they obtain multiple 0.69 or 0.0042 distributions; the de-duping process will take place at the end of the airdrop.

Read More: Guide for Celestia Airdrop TIA Token: How to Get Season 2 Airdrop?

Final outcome About Saga Airdrop

The Saga Airdrop Community Genesis Drop presents an exciting opportunity for community members to claim their rewards through a straightforward process. By connecting their wallets and following the step-by-step instructions provided, participants can easily access their airdrops. Remember to act promptly, as deadlines for claiming rewards apply.

Additionally, instructions for specific collections such as Cryptopunks and Bored Apes are provided for clarity. Join the Saga community and claim your tokens today!

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